I want a safer South Africa. I want politicians to focus on violent criminals, not punishing ordinary South Africans. I want crime to be top of the political agenda. Please sign up and we will send a letter prepared by us to the politician/s of your choice.
Violent crime has been out of control in South Africa for decades.
With 86 murders per day and 5 rapes per hour, it is time to put the combating of violence back on the agenda.
The state’s preoccupation with peaceful individuals engaged in voluntary conduct must end, as must the overcriminalisation of our society.
The only way to give violence the attention it deserves, is to accurately define the scope and content of criminal law in South Africa, adequately develop police, prosecutorial, and prison capacity, substantially decentralise all facets of criminal justice by empowering provinces, municipalities, communities, and enterprises, and, above all, decriminalise that conduct and those activities that peaceful individuals and enterprises engage in voluntarily.
If you endorse the Section 12 Initiative’s solutions to the scourge of violence in South Africa’s society…
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